13 January 2009

A new attitude

I have to admit.  My decision to purchase this course wasn't a decisive one.  I had doubts about its effectiveness.  Naturally, comparisions with the 11 Forgotten Laws and the original The Secret arised.  

I didn't want to spend USD97 on some material, get all positive about life; and then a few months later, get back to my old thinking habits.  That has the pattern for every similar book and series I have read.

One of the best I've read, was Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.  That really opened my eyes.  It brought me a new perspective on life, one which few in my circle of family and friends had been able to give me.  The ideas in it were revolutionary, to me when I read them over 10 years ago.  I believe ther are still so for many.  Conversations with God was the first book that changed my mindset, and consequently my life.  Reading the book was enlightening in many ways - many things in life which I could not understand began to make perfect sense.  It also helped me develop a greater awareness of my own runaway thoughts and how destructive they can be.

While that book offered great wisdom and knowledge, the "high" I felt, were unfortunately not permanently sustainable.  Yes, it did change my life, but my mood was still unstable.  I would often find myself in high spirits for periods of time, then crash into depression for subsequent periods.  I was never able to maintain a positive attitude for prolonged periods of more than several months.

After Conversations, I read many other great books incuding the Kryon chronicles, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.  The most accessible and straighforward was of course, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

I first read about The Secret in a highly popular internet forum specialised in computer and technology.  Because the thread starter was a little cryptic, and with such as title as The Secret, it drew fear from the ignorant who flamed; as well as praise from members who were not spared by the ignorant as well.  I hesitate to name them as ignorant, but the fact is that those who were moved to anger had clearly never bothered to do any research.  They came to conclusions based on their fearful mindset.


The Secret, I believe, is successful because of its simplicity and accesibility.  It's only the Law of Attraction that was focused upon.  This law has been written and elaborated in countless books, but The Secret remains the most accessible - simple and effective language that speaks directly to the readers.  The video has many different experts speaking, providiong lots of variety in personalities, looks, age groups, accents and speech tones.  In addition, the computer graphics and illustrated concepts made the entire video much easier to understand, and interested to watch.

The concept was clear.  The Secret was based on the Law of Attraction.  Its delivery was repetitve, yet, because the highly infectious positive-tone of delivery, and the many inspiring stories it contained, it was very enjoyable to read as well.  That is a great achievement.

It was very inspiring, and gave me a "high", which unfortunately did not last.  While The Secret was accessible and enjoyable, it still loses out in terms of content to many other books out there - The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra;  and A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws (by Diana Cooper) which has lists and explains 34 Laws, categorised under 4 larger Laws.  It may sounds a little superflous and silly, from the way I described it, but it was one of my best reads - enlightening, inspiring and also challenging (I did not feel good about some of the Laws).

Still, none of these books had every been able to keep me from the occasional "crash", which I thought was inevitable.  Part of my natural rhythm, I thought.

So when I was considering putting USD97 on The 11 Forgotten Laws, I was naturally a bit sceptical.  Furthermore, I am very, very wary of audio books.  I bought several in the past through a subscription at Audible, and I found mysely getting irritated and drained by the speakers' monotonouse tones or confusing intentions (I suspect some of them were reading from scripts).  I never finished listening to the audiobooks I bought.  

I think it's the same with many people, I can't listen to someone talk and talk and talk.  But... I can listen to someone speaking to me.  

The 11 Forgotten Laws stated it has a 60-day money back guarantee.  I had many "what-if's" in my mind, but I took the chance.

I am glad to report my great satisfaction with the buy.  

What I enjoy most about the 11 Forgotten Laws is that it is so enjoyable to listen to.  

A transcript is provided, but I believe most of the recorded sessions were done with only notes in point-form.  I can hear them writing notes in the background when the other speaker speaks, and also hear they sigh, laugh in reaction to what the other speaker is saying.  Having 2 speakers, I must say, is a brilliant idea.  Bob Proctor is experienced, prolific and has added recognisability and credibity from having appeared in The Secret.  He has a husky and matured voice that you would expect from an old sage.  :D  Mary Morrissey, has a wonderfully warm, clear and calming voice.  That's a good combination of different speech tones.  This keeps the recordings from sounding monotonous.  And, both of them are excellent, spirited and energetic speakers.

The best thing about the recordings is that they always lift my spirits.  I suppose the speakers' positive energy that affects and reminds me.

It's still early to say if it will sustain.  It has, so far.  As it is now, I can tell from my thoughts and attitude over the past week since I began listening, that this is an important (audio) book in my life.

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