08 February 2009

Beat the Blues method 2

One of my recent discoveries, while listening to free radio on Jango.

The Go! Team.  Vibrant and vivacious cheerleading-inspired music from Brighton (England) with some sophistication.  A great pick-me-up!  My favourite track has to be "Doing It Right!".


I have been in a haze lately.  Got lazy with work, had difficulty concentrating, avoided work and made excuses.  All that had a cyclic effect - they made me feel worse, lazier, and less motivated to do anything about it.  I was slipping into an old procrastinating self-limiting/destructive habit again.  Arrgh!

I wake up each morning wanting to do some work, and I always start with household chores - the same sweeping, mopping and laundry.  While I sometimes enjoyed those, they made me feel like rewarding myself with rest afterwards.  

Sometime I'd think - I shouldn't be doing such menial tasks, I have important thing to do!  Surely Bills Gates doesn't sweep his floor nor do his own laundry!  But then again, I don't have maids, the house needs to be cleaned, and cleaning the house is good for the soul!

And resting feels so good...

Ok... enough of that.

The 11 Forgotten Laws, while still very good, is not the ONLY solution to my old self-limiting habits.  It is very convenient - I just listen to it being delivered to me, without the need for me to engage my eyes to read.  I listen to it whenever I leave the house; sometimes while I'm commuting and sometimes while I'm shopping for groceries.  Sometimes, I'd find myself distracted and not listening, negating the benefits, defeating the purpose.

. . .

I found my attention drawn to my shelf of spiritual books.  Every one of them had given me insights, new perspectives that enlighten my existence, and contributed to my growth at different times of my life.

I forget them...

A single book, or a single chapter, or a single paragraph, or a single sentence has the potential to enlighten and inspire.

... and remember them when I'm drawn to read them again.

All share the same root.  The reason we need so many is human nature - we need to be reminded in new ways that are refreshing.  Call it the curse of the MTV generation, but we need variety!

I finished all the tracks in The 11 Forgotten Laws about 2 weeks ago, and while I'm still listening to them daily (I still enjoy them), I've found relief in my books and am feeling good again!  :)


23 January 2009

7 Free Lessons from The American Monk

In the 11 Forgotten Laws, the bonuses include The Prosperity Program (a 4-part audio book with an extra bonus track, currently being sold for USD47), by The American Monk aka Burt Goldman.  I enjoyed his sessions and searched for more online.

I found his website where Burt Goldman is offering 7 free lessons.  For each lessons, there are 3 audio tracks, which can only be unlocked with "Karma Points", another name for referrals to the free course.  I have listened to the first track, it is guided meditation with music, called the Daisy Pond Meditation.  How shall I describe it?  It's good... :)

Get the 7 free lessons by The American Monk here!

The 11 Forgotten Laws now costs USD97, and include The Prosperity Program (sold for USD47) among other bonuses.  That's good value!  Get the 11 Forgotten Laws here!

15 January 2009

Money is an energy to balance

I used to be one of those people who believed that Money was the root of all Evil.

When I was much younger, I watch quite a bit of tv.  The popular ones always had stories of ordinary poor folk struggling against greedy landlords, selfish businessmen, gamblers who lost everything.  Those protagonists who made it rich in the end had to endure hardship, torture and trauma before they could.  All that left a deep impression in my mind, that in order to be a good and wealthy person, I had to suffer.  And if I became rich, I might somehow turn greedy, selfish and have a terrible ending.  

Laughable, yes... But I'm so glad now that I have a better understanding of how money works.
I attended a meditation course many years back,  and one of the participants asked, "if the course is really so beneficial, and you want as many people as possible to learn it, then why charge such an exorbitant fee that most people wouldn't even consider?"

The instructors believed in the value of the course.  They felt there were giving something beneficial, but they must also respect the law of reciprocation - nothing is for free; What you take for free today, you will pay back tomorrow in other ways.   For believers, that would mess up the way your money/payback energy flows, and slow down the flow of money in your life.

Money is the most convenient and fuss-free term for exchange.  What is exorbitant to one, may be utterly cheap to another.  This all depends on the mindset.  If I were to pay $100 for 1kg of gold, you would say the sellar was a fool.  But if I were to pay $100 for 1kg of rice, you would say I was a fool.  

So, what is knowledge, how can it be measured and how much is one measure of knowledge worth?

The second part of their answer was... if they were to charge a small amount, people would tend to pay less attention to it, put less effort into it, and the full potential of the course would not be realised.  
To verify this, think about those chain-emails you've received.  Some contained really good material for thought; but most would be trashed without being read, let alone pondered.  On the other hand, if we had paid $3000 for a 1 hr lecture by a really successful person, say Donald Trump; we would then be more likely to take notes, make recordings to review so we can fully contemplate each given concept to get the most value out of our $3000.  The concepts he present may well be the same ones in the chain emails you dumped earlier, but the difference lies in your receptivity.

We do pay more attention to things we pay a higher price for.  It's human.

They did state though, that they do offer scholarships for students who were willing to learn, but who were in circumstances that rendered them unable to pay.  They just need to ask for it.  That was what I needed to hear.  Nobody should be deprived of knowledge, especially of things that are elemental to a person's well being.
We all know that if we want people to be kind to us, we must first be kind to them.  Kindness is a kind of attitude, and acts of kindness are forms of energy.

Money is a form of energy.  If you want money, you've got to put something back.

But if your attitude was like what mine used to be, that wealth can only come after you've worked a long tedious life, then that's what you'll probably get.  Then again, wealth would never come to those lazing in a chair, doing nothing but expecting it.  That is absurd. 

There is a price for everything.  How beneficial, valuable and exclusive is the work and service you provide will determine how well you get paid, monetarily and energetically. 
Still, the most important thing in life is balance.  We need money, yes, but we also need family and friends around us.  They are also, like money, forms of energy.  We need to give something to keep them close to us - our love, attention and time.  

Balance, balance, balance is the key.

Beat the Blues method 1

I'll be honest. I have, for the past few nights going to bed feeling great, but getting up in the morning feeling a little blue and lost. Perhaps an old part of me is trying to get me balanced (the old way) again.

The blues are coming, I can feel it. But it helps when I listen to the recordings. They serve as a pick-me-up and a reminder to be mindful.

Looking closer at the phenomenon of blues, it could be chemical, and related to what we eat. To go a step further, there is a belief that food holds the energy of the persons who prepared and handled it. That's why people pray over and give thanks for their food. Prayer can change the residual energy left behind by handlers.

I wasn't about to go on a fast or start investigating who did what and who made what I ate. Well, that may help, but prayer's definitely a more elegant solution.


I went out for a swim. It was cold, and the water sent chills through my body. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. I remember, as I swam, feeling so thankful that the pool was peaceful - no screaming children and enough lanes for private space.

The rest of the day was superb! Exercise gets the blood movin', it just make me feel so good, refreshed and satisfied!

So! Beat the blues method 1 - Exercise!

14 January 2009

Disable the Ad-blocker

Nothing is for free.  When we take what we think is free, we pay pack through other means.

Firefox is one of my favourite browsers.   What I love about it, is that it's customisable with plugins.  One of my favourite plugins was the adblocker.  I never liked reading pages congested with ugly ads.  Through bad past experiences with ads that were really viruses in disguise, I never thought I would one day advocate the display of ads on websites.

It was several years ago when I gradually understood the importance of ads to the survival of websites, especially those that provide articles, reviews, forums and other content without fee.  We have also come to expect these things for free.  However, we must acknowledge that few would work for no pay.  Maintaining and creating content for websites is work, just like the regular jobs we do.  Surely, they must get/be given something back in return.

Wikipedia, for example, refuse to host ads on their pages.  Recently, up until the new year, they displayed a banner on top of their pages urging for donations.  They were in the red.  Wikipedia is an immensely popular site, the amount of content it hosts is enormous, the amount of traffic going through its site must cost a lot in bandwidth, and the amount of work needed to maintaining and vet the content must be enormous.  If they had supported ads on their site, they would be insanely rich.  But instead, they chose not to, for the readers' benefit.  What they did, I felt was noble.  Wikipedia is indispensible when it comes to doing research, and I acknowledge that I've benefitted a great deal from what it offers.  So I donated.  And it felt great.

Not all other websites that offer free content can afford to survive solely on donations.  Hosting ads is a way for them to earn some revenue and that helps to pay for hosting, content creation and maintenance (these equate to bills which must be paid in order for websites to continue functioning).  

Yes, some sites have more traffic, so they earn more through ads.  I'd say the amount of traffic and revenue it enjoys equates to the amount of work they have to put it, but also to the quality of its content.

So... I disabled my adblcker.  (I do enable it when I visit sites that I feel are are suspicious.)  

The pages I browse now, contrary to what I expected, seem to load faster than usual.  And it feels great to give back!

13 January 2009

A new attitude

I have to admit.  My decision to purchase this course wasn't a decisive one.  I had doubts about its effectiveness.  Naturally, comparisions with the 11 Forgotten Laws and the original The Secret arised.  

I didn't want to spend USD97 on some material, get all positive about life; and then a few months later, get back to my old thinking habits.  That has the pattern for every similar book and series I have read.

One of the best I've read, was Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.  That really opened my eyes.  It brought me a new perspective on life, one which few in my circle of family and friends had been able to give me.  The ideas in it were revolutionary, to me when I read them over 10 years ago.  I believe ther are still so for many.  Conversations with God was the first book that changed my mindset, and consequently my life.  Reading the book was enlightening in many ways - many things in life which I could not understand began to make perfect sense.  It also helped me develop a greater awareness of my own runaway thoughts and how destructive they can be.

While that book offered great wisdom and knowledge, the "high" I felt, were unfortunately not permanently sustainable.  Yes, it did change my life, but my mood was still unstable.  I would often find myself in high spirits for periods of time, then crash into depression for subsequent periods.  I was never able to maintain a positive attitude for prolonged periods of more than several months.

After Conversations, I read many other great books incuding the Kryon chronicles, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.  The most accessible and straighforward was of course, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.

I first read about The Secret in a highly popular internet forum specialised in computer and technology.  Because the thread starter was a little cryptic, and with such as title as The Secret, it drew fear from the ignorant who flamed; as well as praise from members who were not spared by the ignorant as well.  I hesitate to name them as ignorant, but the fact is that those who were moved to anger had clearly never bothered to do any research.  They came to conclusions based on their fearful mindset.


The Secret, I believe, is successful because of its simplicity and accesibility.  It's only the Law of Attraction that was focused upon.  This law has been written and elaborated in countless books, but The Secret remains the most accessible - simple and effective language that speaks directly to the readers.  The video has many different experts speaking, providiong lots of variety in personalities, looks, age groups, accents and speech tones.  In addition, the computer graphics and illustrated concepts made the entire video much easier to understand, and interested to watch.

The concept was clear.  The Secret was based on the Law of Attraction.  Its delivery was repetitve, yet, because the highly infectious positive-tone of delivery, and the many inspiring stories it contained, it was very enjoyable to read as well.  That is a great achievement.

It was very inspiring, and gave me a "high", which unfortunately did not last.  While The Secret was accessible and enjoyable, it still loses out in terms of content to many other books out there - The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra;  and A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws (by Diana Cooper) which has lists and explains 34 Laws, categorised under 4 larger Laws.  It may sounds a little superflous and silly, from the way I described it, but it was one of my best reads - enlightening, inspiring and also challenging (I did not feel good about some of the Laws).

Still, none of these books had every been able to keep me from the occasional "crash", which I thought was inevitable.  Part of my natural rhythm, I thought.

So when I was considering putting USD97 on The 11 Forgotten Laws, I was naturally a bit sceptical.  Furthermore, I am very, very wary of audio books.  I bought several in the past through a subscription at Audible, and I found mysely getting irritated and drained by the speakers' monotonouse tones or confusing intentions (I suspect some of them were reading from scripts).  I never finished listening to the audiobooks I bought.  

I think it's the same with many people, I can't listen to someone talk and talk and talk.  But... I can listen to someone speaking to me.  

The 11 Forgotten Laws stated it has a 60-day money back guarantee.  I had many "what-if's" in my mind, but I took the chance.

I am glad to report my great satisfaction with the buy.  

What I enjoy most about the 11 Forgotten Laws is that it is so enjoyable to listen to.  

A transcript is provided, but I believe most of the recorded sessions were done with only notes in point-form.  I can hear them writing notes in the background when the other speaker speaks, and also hear they sigh, laugh in reaction to what the other speaker is saying.  Having 2 speakers, I must say, is a brilliant idea.  Bob Proctor is experienced, prolific and has added recognisability and credibity from having appeared in The Secret.  He has a husky and matured voice that you would expect from an old sage.  :D  Mary Morrissey, has a wonderfully warm, clear and calming voice.  That's a good combination of different speech tones.  This keeps the recordings from sounding monotonous.  And, both of them are excellent, spirited and energetic speakers.

The best thing about the recordings is that they always lift my spirits.  I suppose the speakers' positive energy that affects and reminds me.

It's still early to say if it will sustain.  It has, so far.  As it is now, I can tell from my thoughts and attitude over the past week since I began listening, that this is an important (audio) book in my life.

11 January 2009


Just watched a sailing programme on tv. It was the first time I really watched one, and I was completely mesmerised by the views of the sea.

It is expansive... alive, rhythmic and bold. It can be calm and reflective one moment, then shimmering and white, hurling and throwing itself into the atmosphere freely and passionately the next. Its depths, dark, mysterious and yet, the surface feels so transparent, pure and crystalline.

One of the sailors, a middle-age man was expressing his amazement at India, where he had just finished a leg of that race, and was ecstatic that he came in third. Wide-eyed, beaming and face blushing with a undeniable joy, he was just as a child. Nothing else mattered at that time.

10 January 2009

Give and Receive

This is one of the principles in the course that struck me.

For many of us, we approach the Law of Attraction with an expectation to receive.  We often forget that as we receive, it is necessary for us give something back.  This is important to keep energy flowing continuously.  The channel would otherwise be blocked and we would stop receiving.

This is obvious in many aspects of life - we work and thus we get money.  Working is giving your energy to something, and money is a form of energy which we receive.  If we don't work, we don't get paid.  Proctor also said something very meaningful about our attitudes to work.  "We should not work for money."  (Doesn't make sense?  I'll write about that in another entry).

To give, we can give in different terms, not just in money - we can give by providing attention, care, assistance, etc, etc.  I'm a believer of the "pay it forward" philosophy.  Charity is a great medium to pay forward a kind deed. Our gratitude and payback energy, I believe, will definitely reach the party we wish to thank.

As long as we give, we shall receive.

The 11 Forgotten Laws

The 11 Forgotten Laws

I found myself sleepless a few night ago. There was much going on in my mind, about the projects I was handling, and how much more work I had to do. Desperate for sleep, I got out of bed and got some water to drink. I remember reading somewhere that exposure to light during the sleepless hours at night can help "reset" the body clock.

Naturally, as I drank my water, my thoughts went to my unfinished work. So I switched on the computer and checked for emails.

Nothing. That was good.

I then took notice of a bookmark on my browser toolbar. I had surfed to that site by accident a few days earlier, and found it to contain nicely-written articles about self-improvement, empowerment and the like. I was drawn to one article which made reference to The Secret. Now, we all know (I expect) the book The Secret, the bestseller and the principal behind it. It has, as many would put it, become so common, that some would call it a cliche.

Anyway, I dug more into it and here's what I found...

This is a complementary but different product. This is primarily a completely-downloadable "audio course" named "The 11 Forgotten Laws", and was created by Bob Proctor (who appeared in The Secret) and Mary Morrissey. The series of audio recording details the other 11 Laws, commonly only mentioned-in-brief in The Secret and other similar books. Procter maintains that underatanding these other 11 Laws is essential to success in working with the Law of Attraction. These 11 Laws (as can be read from his website) are as follows;

Chapter 1 – Working with The Law
Chapter 2 – Law of Thinking
Chapter 3 – Law of Supply
Chapter 4 – Law of Attraction
Chapter 5 – Law of Receiving
Chapter 6 – Law of Increase
Chapter 7 – Law of Compensation
Chapter 8 – Law of Non Resistance
Chapter 9 – Law of Forgiveness
Chapter 10 – Law of Sacrifice
Chapter 11 – Law of Obedicence
Chapter 12 – Law of Success

You see they are presented in 12 chapters.

It looked promising. There's 60-day money back guarantee. So I bought a copy and began listening to them that same sleepless night.
Although I've had this for only a few days, I already have much to say about this course. I found the recordings to be very enjoyable and uplifting, and I highly recommend it anyone who is interested in improving their own life situations.

I want to write a proper and complete review of The 11 Forgotten Laws and the complimentary bonuses too. But the course is a learning process, and it will take some time. Do bookmark this blog and let me know if you are waiting for it.

Meanwhile, do visit their website and have a read. This course is currently offered at a pre-launch price of USD97, the regular price being USD297. According to the website, they can only sell 100 more before the offer ends.