15 January 2009

Money is an energy to balance

I used to be one of those people who believed that Money was the root of all Evil.

When I was much younger, I watch quite a bit of tv.  The popular ones always had stories of ordinary poor folk struggling against greedy landlords, selfish businessmen, gamblers who lost everything.  Those protagonists who made it rich in the end had to endure hardship, torture and trauma before they could.  All that left a deep impression in my mind, that in order to be a good and wealthy person, I had to suffer.  And if I became rich, I might somehow turn greedy, selfish and have a terrible ending.  

Laughable, yes... But I'm so glad now that I have a better understanding of how money works.
I attended a meditation course many years back,  and one of the participants asked, "if the course is really so beneficial, and you want as many people as possible to learn it, then why charge such an exorbitant fee that most people wouldn't even consider?"

The instructors believed in the value of the course.  They felt there were giving something beneficial, but they must also respect the law of reciprocation - nothing is for free; What you take for free today, you will pay back tomorrow in other ways.   For believers, that would mess up the way your money/payback energy flows, and slow down the flow of money in your life.

Money is the most convenient and fuss-free term for exchange.  What is exorbitant to one, may be utterly cheap to another.  This all depends on the mindset.  If I were to pay $100 for 1kg of gold, you would say the sellar was a fool.  But if I were to pay $100 for 1kg of rice, you would say I was a fool.  

So, what is knowledge, how can it be measured and how much is one measure of knowledge worth?

The second part of their answer was... if they were to charge a small amount, people would tend to pay less attention to it, put less effort into it, and the full potential of the course would not be realised.  
To verify this, think about those chain-emails you've received.  Some contained really good material for thought; but most would be trashed without being read, let alone pondered.  On the other hand, if we had paid $3000 for a 1 hr lecture by a really successful person, say Donald Trump; we would then be more likely to take notes, make recordings to review so we can fully contemplate each given concept to get the most value out of our $3000.  The concepts he present may well be the same ones in the chain emails you dumped earlier, but the difference lies in your receptivity.

We do pay more attention to things we pay a higher price for.  It's human.

They did state though, that they do offer scholarships for students who were willing to learn, but who were in circumstances that rendered them unable to pay.  They just need to ask for it.  That was what I needed to hear.  Nobody should be deprived of knowledge, especially of things that are elemental to a person's well being.
We all know that if we want people to be kind to us, we must first be kind to them.  Kindness is a kind of attitude, and acts of kindness are forms of energy.

Money is a form of energy.  If you want money, you've got to put something back.

But if your attitude was like what mine used to be, that wealth can only come after you've worked a long tedious life, then that's what you'll probably get.  Then again, wealth would never come to those lazing in a chair, doing nothing but expecting it.  That is absurd. 

There is a price for everything.  How beneficial, valuable and exclusive is the work and service you provide will determine how well you get paid, monetarily and energetically. 
Still, the most important thing in life is balance.  We need money, yes, but we also need family and friends around us.  They are also, like money, forms of energy.  We need to give something to keep them close to us - our love, attention and time.  

Balance, balance, balance is the key.

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